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Siedlerstraße 7 | 68623 Lampertheim, Germany

TerraTrust and REWE: Partnering for a Greener Tomorrow in Healthcare

We are thrilled to share another important step in Zamed’s journey towards sustainable healthcare: TerraTrust, the first eco-friendly pregnancy test in Europe, is available in REWE Centers across Germany in November. This expansion marks a crucial milestone in making sustainable living not just a choice but a norm, easily accessible to everyone.

A Milestone for Eco-Conscious Choices

REWE, known for its commitment to sustainability and quality, is the perfect partner to bring TerraTrust closer to its consumers. With this partnership, we’re not just bridging the gap in sustainable healthcare options, but also strengthening our vision of a greener, healthier planet.

The Power of Sustainable Innovation

TerraTrust stands at the forefront of eco-innovation in healthcare. Designed to deliver the accuracy with the least environmental impact, it is a testament to our belief that sustainability and quality can go hand in hand. With its introduction in REWE Centers, we’re turning the tides in consumer choice, proving that every small decision can contribute to a larger impact on our planet.

A Call to Action for Sustainable Living

This initiative extends beyond introducing a new product; it’s about igniting a wave of sustainability. Together, we aim to redefine healthcare by balancing human health and environmental protection – the ultimate power duo. Each TerraTrust purchase at REWE is a step towards reducing single-use plastic pollution, embodying a choice that benefits both people’s health and Mother Earth.

Your Role in Shaping a Sustainable Future

This step goes beyond corporate responsibility; it’s an opportunity to lead by example in the realm of sustainable healthcare. When you make TerraTrust available to your clients, you are not just selling a product – you’re offering a vision of a greener, more responsible future. You’re showing that your business isn’t just about profits, but about making a positive impact on the world.

Join Us on This Green Journey

As TerraTrust becomes more accessible through REWE Centers, we invite you to be a part of this exciting chapter in sustainable living. Let’s continue to push the boundaries, showing the world that eco-friendly choices are not just possible, but preferable.

Together, with partners like REWE and conscious consumers like you, we’re shaping a healthier, more sustainable future. Embrace this change with us, and let’s make a lasting difference for our planet.